‘It’s Naturally You’ is the flagship program of Evidentiary where Rob and Emma first crossed paths working together. Here they undertook evidence-based research to help government and non-government organisations develop and refine environmental policy and programs.
Emma and Rob undertook several research projects investigating the global evidence base on the relationships between human health and well-being and time spent in the natural environment. The research found overwhelmingly that interaction with nature and natural elements (such as plants, fresh air and natural light) has a profoundly positive impact on human health and well-being.
Excited by how the research findings were confirming their own personal experiences – that time spent in nature and amongst natural elements made them feel better too, they decided that they had an obligation to put the findings into practice so that these wellbeing benefits would be available to everyone. And thus, the seed for 'It's Naturally You' was born.
As a trained scientist (Ecology) who has spent 40 years in the environmental sector and pioneered the use of systematic evidence based synthesis in the environmental sector in Australia, Rob was determined to infuse the best available evidence into fun, interactive and meaningful programs to enable people to experience the wellbeing benefits of being in nature.
Emma gained more experience leading groups of people outdoors, working as a Wildlife Guide in National Parks, becoming a certified Forest Therapy Guide and completing a course from the University of Derby in Nature Connection.
Together they combined their depth of experience and passion to deliver It's Naturally You programs around Melbourne and in Gippsland.
LLB (Hons), BA (Politics), M. Env.Mgmt
Emma developed a strong love for nature at a young age, starting as a 3 year old in highland Papua New Guinea playing with bows and arrows and finding frogs. Growing up in Warrandyte saw many summer days swimming in the Yarra River. Every school holidays were spent in the Central Highlands of Victoria on 400 acres of bush, roaming through blue gum forests and feeling awed by granite boulders.
She has had a diverse career working as a Legal Practitioner at a Melbourne law firm, teaching English as a Second Language in Colombia and after completing a Master of Environmental Management, working as a Researcher in environmental evidence-based practice at Evidentiary.
Emma has worked as a Wildlife Guide taking tourists off the beaten track into some of Victoria’s most beautiful natural landscapes spotting wild animals and birds.
She has also studied and practiced Vipassana meditation, studied nature connection through the University of Derby and is an Accredited Forest Therapy Guide with INFTA. Emma is excited to bring her love of the outdoors, guiding, teaching and academic knowledge together in the programs that ‘It’s Naturally You’ have to offer.
B.Nat Res (Hons)
Rob has worked in the environmental sector for over 30 years since graduating from university, working as an outback ecologist, educator and running his own businesses including Evidentiary undertaking and applying evidence based research.
As an ecologist for 15 years Rob spent many months each year undertaking field work in isolated outback landscapes, often solo, during which time he developed bush craft skills including survival, navigation, bush cooking, animal tracking and “reading” the bush.
Regular contact with nature has always been a fundamental part of the maintenance of Rob’s physical and mental health for restoration, relaxation and re-engaging the senses and he is passionate about sharing these skills with other people.
While still undertaking evidence based research, Rob spends much of his time in east Gippsland developing and running Bemm Bush Retreat. He also currently lectures at Monash University with the Masters of Sustainability course.
Rob believes that human reconnection with nature is a key ingredient of human wellbeing and that you don't have to starve yourself sleeping on the ground in the wilderness for a week in order to achieve this! Nature connection is as individual as you are.
East Gippsland magic
“Bemm Bush Retreat” was purchased for long term nature conservation and as a place to practice and research nature-based therapies. A 420 acre private national park and haven for people to re-connect with themselves and the natural world. Located near the junction of the Bemm and Goolengook Rivers the property is surrounded by several of Victoria's most untouched National Parks including Errinundra National Park (27,000 ha) just 5 km north, Lind National Park 5 km to the east and Croajingalong National Park (90,000 ha) 20 km to the south-east. A place to see the stars of the Milky Way in all their brilliant glory, unspoilt by light pollution, a place to be awed by the expansive views of the Combienbar Mountains, to hear lyrebirds calling in the deep cool gullies, to swim in clean, cool rivers, drink fresh rainwater and eat food grown from the garden or just stare into the campfire. A place on private land where you can feel safe, free and engaged with nature.
Bemm Bush Retreat is also a place for us to care for over the long term. While some parts such as the warm temperate rainforest are pristine, others are recovering from past logging. A conservation covenant through the Victorian Trust for Nature has been placed over 90% of the property. We’re looking after the land and rehabilitating previously grazed areas by creating habitat for endangered species (such as planting She-Oak trees for the Glossy Black Cockatoo), improving biodiversity and carbon storage and controlling weeds along the watercourses. This is part of the It's Naturally You commitment to achieving a 30% nature positive Australian landscape by 2030. The location of the property is ecologically and strategically critical to the survival of threatened vegetation communities (such as warm temperate rainforest) and endangered or vulnerable flora and fauna species (including the Barking Owl, Powerful Owl, Platypus, Southern Brown Bandicoot and Greater Glider.)